Saturday, November 24, 2018

Kludde daughter keeping Detroit safe

Trexx is living up to her name and loves tracking as much as dad.

First third level DVG rescue dog awarded in U.S.

Thank you to Norbert Bosche for judging and Ann Melle for laying a beautiful track and Alexandria Schutzhund Group for hosting a DVG RH trial.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

First RH2 B U.S. dog in decades

Thank you to RH K9 Rangers and track layer Linda Swenson for hosting a wonderful trial and laying a challenging, nearly mile long (1400 M) three-hour old track.

This is the fifth third level working title earned by Kludde.  Great work ethic and the epitome of versatility.

French Ring 3, Mondioring 3, Protection Sports Association 1, Rettungshunde F-B, Tracking 3, Stoberprufung 3, Companion Dog, breed Champion, Excellent Handler Discrimination, Ultimate Jumper, Super Elite, Top gun, Sonic Dock Dog, UKC Super Dog, United Weight Puller, Agility 1, Rally 1. And he paints!